Bon Jovi Squares

I am in a tizzy. A full blown fit where there is hair pulling, bodies being thrown to the floor (mainly mine), and excessive high pitched squealing.

I have a problem, you see. It is this whole Bon Jovi concert that has set me right off. He is coming to Calgary, which is only 3 hours from my house. But here it gets complicated. My sister Wanda and I made a pact. The pact was that we were going to get to one of his concerts before we die. But TOGETHER!! I can go, she can't. This just isn't right. I refuse to go without her.

The reason for this whole kafuffle started way back in the 80's. There was this album called 7800° Fahrenheit that started my obsession. It goes on from there through the permed and teased hair, the leopard print leggings, rubber bracelets and the leather jackets. Right into my bedroom, where the walls were barely visible through all the posters of that caramelly highlighted hair. **Insert light bulb moment** Talk about juxtaposition: my love of caramel = my love of his caramelly hair. I feel so deep right now. ;-)

There were songs that seemed to fit through every phase of my life. There was Silent Night...the tune that my first love, Fabian, made into our theme song. Then came Livin' on a Prayer...the song that got every hardcore 80's girl through the day. There was some Bad Medicine...the only prescription ever needed. Bed of Roses, Never Say Good bye, I'll be there for you...classic ballads for those moments when chocolate and wine is just not enough. Now that I live in Alberta, "Who Say's You Can't Go Home" rings true.

My all time favorite song is Dead or Alive. One day, I will rip into Richie's guitar riff and make it look effortless. You may laugh but this is what I aspire to be. This is also the song that I tell my children over and over I want played as they carry the casket out at my funeral. We will have none of this weepy business. Just a good quality final exit from life. Gone out in a Blaze of Glory. ( For those who have read my previous posts, this happens right after the sprinkling of the body glitter)

I remember a few years ago..back when Lauren was in her mid teens. There would be many an occasion where we would be traveling in the car, or just listening to music at home and Bon Jovi would come on. There would be screeching and running to crank the stereo up (Wanda and I). Then the air guitar and singing would commence (Wanda and I, again). Lauren and her friends would take one look at us and practically run like wounded animals from the room. Now today, after many years of never giving up and subliminal messaging in her sleep , Lauren has also developed the love for his music. Obviously a sign of stellar parenting skills.

Anyone who knows me, knows me as his Biggest Fan. I will never deny it if asked. So when you get in my car and Bon Jovi comes on the radio, don't ask me to turn it down.

So, I cannot entertain the thought of going alone to this concert. When we go...and we will someday...know there will be 2 girls, front and center whose lives were forever changed because of his songs. Words that take us back to exact moments..and to the future, where we will Make a Memory.

**Going to resume position back on the floor**

As a tribute to the Caramel Hair...I give you this recipe!

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Caramel Shortbread Squares

2/3 cup butter
1/2 cup whole sugar
1 1/4 cups flour
1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
2 Tablespoons corn syrup
1/2 cup sweetened condensed milk
1 bag milk chocolate chips
2 Tablespoons vegetable oil


1. Preheat oven to 350°.
2. In medium bowl, mix together 2/3 cup of butter, white sugar and flour until evenly crumbly. Press into a 9" square pan, sprayed with non-stick spray. Bake until light golden brown.
3. In medium saucepan, combine 1/2 cup butter, brown sugar, corn syrup and Sweetened condensed milk. Over med-low heat, bring to a boil. Continue to boil for 5 minutes, stirring the whole time. Remove from heat and beat vigorously with a wooden spoon for about 3 minutes, until thickened. Pour over baked crust. Crust can be either warm or cool.
4. Put chocolate and veggie oil in a bowl and microwave for 1 minute, then stir well. Continue for 20 second increments until totally melted. Pour over the caramel layer and spread evenly. Chill. Cut into squares.

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Anonymous said…
Harghhhhhhhhhhhh!!! This has GOT to be the best post yet, Wen!! I am ROTFLMFAO.

Truer words were never spoken.

P.S. The squares look to die for.
Anonymous said…
Oh my Wend that is to die for!! I can't wait to try this one out!! Woohooo!!
Unknown said…
Ahh. I love me a good foodgasm. Thanks for the sugar porn Wendy. You know I love you for it.

Hey - did I ever tell you that I grew up in NJ? Right around the corner from Mr. Bongiovanni?

Just thought you would like to know that!
Anonymous said…
Omg Wendy my daughter is now obsessed with you she is hard core bonjovi fan and thinks you are the greatest thing since slice bread. i will defintely be making some of these recipes they sound delish...
I will be watching for new recipes
I think the funniest part of this was the diaries maybe cause i know the guys you were talking about and we all thought the same thing but you are brave enough to post it 25 years later oh the 80's them were the good old daystalk to you soon keep the sugar rushes coming
Anonymous said…
You just keep those recipes coming. They only seem to get better. OH my poor unclogged arteries are starting to clog up again. Guess who?
Anonymous said…
These squares are scrumptious!!!! Had some the other night with tea and they hit the spot. Just the right amount of caramel filling.Yummy!!!!But alas, I think these should be called Bon Jovi squares. Easy on the eyes and oh so delicious!!!!!!!! Make another batch real soon. Love ya . So glad I get to share in some of these creations now!!!!!!! HARGH......... suckers. Kimmie
Anonymous said…
I agree....we should name them Bon Jovi squares.

Here here!
Anonymous said…
Just have to read these again!

This is my favorite post of all time!

Love and miss you Wen!
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